All March 10, 2022

Removing the mystery of cancer treatment

How PROhab Helps

Being diagnosed with cancer can be scary and hard to understand. That’s why ReVital Cancer Rehabilitation developed Prospective Program or “PROhab,” to help inform patients about cancer, offer support early in the cancer journey and prepare for cancer treatment with eyes wide open.

What to expect

You’ll start with a PROhab evaluation to assess your level of physical activity and movement. Our therapists will want to know what movements matter to you: making meals, driving, dressing yourself or just hugging your kids.  They will also assess your strength, balance, mobility and other body functions that could be changed by cancer treatment. Once we learn more about you, together we discuss what to expect and determine your goals.

As you progress through treatment, you will continue to have support from your ReVital therapist through regular monitoring and education. Any emerging physical or functional issues will be addressed before they become chronic. For example, some effects of cancer treatment can show up well after treatment has ended. ReVital therapists will give you the tools to spot issues so you can quickly report them to your care team. This approach leads to earlier identification of any issues that may arise, and treatment needed to keep you safely moving and have a better outcome.

Your team

We believe patients have better outcomes when they have access to an interdisciplinary cancer care team.

Physicians, nurses, pharmacists, social workers and others – including physical therapists, occupational therapists and speech-language pathologists – all play a vital role in your care.

ReVital cancer rehabilitation therapists have completed over 50 hours of special training on cancer -beyond what is required to be licensed. Through discussion with you, our therapists will provide you with activities and exercises tailored for your specific needs.

The impact of PROhab

The ReVital PROhab program can begin right after you have been diagnosed and help support you as long as needed. We’re here to help you:

  • Pull back the curtains on cancer
  • Maintain your ability to conduct daily activities
  • Help you look around corners with close monitoring
  • Enhance your strength
  • Increase your endurance

While changes in your ability to conduct your daily activities will occur during cancer treatment, a proactive approach to rehabilitation helps you take control.