Speech Language Pathology

Addressing every aspect of functionality

Some cancer treatments can affect speech and communication.

For some with cancer, simple thoughts like “thank you” and “I love you” may be impossible to convey.

For example, the tongue may not move like it used to or the voice box can no longer produce a loud, strong voice. Others may struggle with swallowing disorders following treatment.

At ReVital Cancer Rehabilitation, our speech-language pathology services encompass the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of voice, speech, and swallowing disorders.

Our speech language pathologists also work with people experiencing cognitive decline related to their cancer and cancer treatment. Our pathologists assess and treat changes to cognitive communication helping restore confidence in performing daily activities while introducing strategies to stay safe in the home and at work.

We understand the impact that loss of function can take on a patient’s life. Our team is dedicated to assessing every individual and helping them achieve their personal goals and return to a sense of normalcy after cancer treatment.

Cancer Rehabilitation – The Role of a Speech-Language Pathologist.

What you can expect

Your speech-language pathologist will work alongside you and the rest of the cancer care team to create a care plan based on your abilities and goals. During the first visit, your therapist will examine you, listen to your story, and assess your needs to develop a plan.  The plan may include the McNeil Dysphagia Therapy Program, which views swallowing as an exercise and breaks down your swallowing activities. Other treatments may focus on:

  • Strategies and exercises to improve eating and drinking
  • Breathing exercises
  • Strategies and exercises to improve your ability to communicate
  • Cognitive strategies and education

Our experienced therapists will provide specific education and follow a customized treatment plan tailored to help you reach your goals.

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